The dictionary definition is a great or eager desire: yearning.
I define cravings as an itch you can not scratch, an urge you can not dismiss, almost an ache at times. Food cravings can be treacherous when trying to eat smart and healthy. Sometimes you can not figure out what it is you are craving. Other times you crave one thing after another. But usually in either case, you never crave a plateful of carrots.
Usually when I get a craving it is for a sweet or salty item and more often than not it is one followed by the other. I can usually tame this craving with a popcorn and peanut m&m mix. Or french fries dipped in a chocolate shake (do not knock it until you have tried it.) I have even candied bacon before, I will have to post that recipe in the future, great to take for a party appetizer, but be careful it is addicting.
So what do make for a quick craving buster after 9 p.m. That has both the salty & sweet taste you are looking for, is easy to make, take literally minutes from cupboard to plate, and has only 4 items to wash when you are done, (if you use paper plates). A PBM Quesadilla. What is a PBM Quesadilla you ask well it is gooey, sweet, salty, GREATNESS in a tortilla.
1 Flour Tortilla
2 tbsp Peanut Butter
2 Tbsp Jelly
Small Marshmallows
Heat skillet while assembling the quesadilla. On 1/2 the tortilla spread the peanut butter, then the jelly, than top that with the marshmallows as little or a many as you want. (I did almost a full layer I thought it was perfect my husband thought it was a little overkill.) Melt a little butter or a spray of cooking spray into skillet. Fold tortilla in half and lay in the skillet after about 2 minutes flip over cook 2 more minutes and remove to plate. Cut into triangles and enjoy. I suggest using a fork as it is very gooey!! YUM!!
I love tortillas. I make some sort of snack out of them everyday. I miss fresh tortillas from the local Hispanic stores. But my all time favorite, come from Dodge City, KS. I can not remember the shop they came from but they were the best. I had them when we were visiting friends and they sent what was left home with us. I was sad when I ate the last one.
God Bless & Enjoy !!